The story of Puzzle Bobble Everybubble! brings Bub, Bob, Peb, and Pab to Rainbow Island, where Miniroon, a mysterious character similar to Bub lives. One day, Miniroon suddenly starts to emit a large number of bubbles, covering the whole island and causing problems for its residents. Time for our four friendly bubble dragons to step in and help Miniroon, whose bubble-blowing is bad news for the island!
To clear each stage, players need to remove bubbles by connecting three or more of the same color – either on their own or with the help of fun and entertaining items and gimmicks.
- Console: Nintendo Switch
- Publisher: ININ Games
- Developer: Taito Corporation
- Genre: Puzzle / Matching
- Franchise: Bust-A-Move / Puzzle Bobble
- ESRB Rating: E for Everyone
- Release Date: 05/23/2023
- UPC: 850010758756
- Amazon ASIN: B0BN5FBPD3
- Also Available On: N/A
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